Thursday 24 April 2014

28 Days / 28th Year

Yesterday I celebrated my 28th birthday. I love my birthday. I enjoy being spoiled for a day. I'm also incredibly grateful for being able to celebrate another year when many don't have that opportunity.

I always use them as a time to reflect on the "goals" I made on New Year's Day. I haven't really been focused on them. So in light of my 28th year on earth, I've decided to break down my goals in 28 day cycles. I will have a total of 13 cycles. 

Cycle 1: Be active EVERY DAY! 

No, it doesn't mean I'm going to do an intense workout every day for 28 days, it just means, I want to be moving. Walking, yoga, running, Beachbody workouts, etc. 

Day 1 is definitely going to be a Yoga/Stretch combo because my body is aching from yesterday's intense birthday workout.

Cycles 2-13 to follow. 

I figure I will have to make adjustments.

Here I go. Cheers to an awesome 28th year of life!